For me, the soup you cook when playing as sage is not being given when going through the dialogue option. I will click yes to give the soup to yoru, but when I check inventory, it shows 0. Playing version 0.11 on windows
Go to the place where you fight the robots, When you get there over to the right you can see a category next to Difficulty called "Guns", Click on your desired weapon and it will use it.
On the phone, there's a save icon. If you play on Web Browser, it unfortunately auto deletes the save every time I update the game. The only way to keep your save on the browser version is via the Cloud Save feature (only accessible by Patrons)
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how do you get the sage gets soaked in cum option
also i got 9 endurance, but still cant get the second interaction with neon
There's no 2nd interaction with Neon atm. The new Neon content of v.0.12 is in Cypher's shop (for Patrons)
How to get reyna pic nude?
It's in the Patreon version of the game
i don't know where's the save file in pc ver
I don't know where the game puts it as well. It varies per device. But the file name is 'SC1.cum'
I hope this helps :)
.cum lmao
its probably in %appdata% in an folder called renpy
how do you unlock the sova scene
Talk to Sova as Sage
how can i do the other neon scene if i fail the endurance test
Will upgrading Yoru's character profile trigger any special endings with characters? Also when is next update?
Upgrading Yoru's endurance to 9 points unlocks all of Neon's sex scenes with him.
Next update is on first week of July.
which level of endurance is needed for neon?
9 points
How do I get the third interaction between sage and yoru
Not yet available atm
How do you get the Yoru creams in sages mouth scene?
Try giving the soup you cooked as sage to yoru...
Who will be the next character?
We'll be cycling back to Killjoy. She'll have lesbian content next (if you made the proper story choice for it)
For me, the soup you cook when playing as sage is not being given when going through the dialogue option. I will click yes to give the soup to yoru, but when I check inventory, it shows 0. Playing version 0.11 on windows
How can i get the "Jett spit roasts Sage" scene
It's a Patrons-only path
how do you make the ramen?
Play as Sage and go to the Kitchen
How do you equip the guns you buy, cuz when i buy some, it still uses the classing, and i dont notice any changes
Go to the place where you fight the robots, When you get there over to the right you can see a category next to Difficulty called "Guns", Click on your desired weapon and it will use it.
How i can have sex with sova?
No sex yet but lewd activity is available via playing as Sage
how do i obtain vials i cant see cabnites in the shooting area
Yeah sorry about that, it was poorly explained. The venom vial can be obtained via finishing the cave level
how can you find killjoy or reyna? do you have to take a specific path?
Killjoy is somewhere in Icebox. You just gotta look for her.
Reyna is only available in Cypher's shop
is there an option to turn off gay content
There's no gay content so far dw
EDIT: If you mean Viper's question, simply not choose the path.
Can you please add a free scene whit jett. She's my favourite character
How do I unlock sage gets soaked by cum
Refuse to participate with Yoru's hobby
How do I do that
The creator named the wrong agent. It's by refusing to participate in SOVA's hobby. You can talk to sova as sage
where crawl bot
if u go to kitchen with yoru some bots are going to come on the ceiling
How can i get the sage gets soaked by cum and the sage and sova at the same time?
You can't. You'll need to choose which path you prefer better.
oh ok
Hello. Yes that has been reported before and I'll be sure to have it corrected by next update
how to get enduence?
Spend points on the Character Profile :)
where is the character profile
On the phone. Upper right of the screen while in Icebox
No plans atm
Hey, just wanted to say keep up the great work, this game is so fun and im looking forward to the next update :D
Thanks for the kind words! The next update will be on first week of May. Stay tuned for it :)
What do i do after fucking neon
That's all for her atm. You can visit the other agents in the meantime :)
whens new update
On the first week of May
how do you save and play on the same save later
On the phone, there's a save icon. If you play on Web Browser, it unfortunately auto deletes the save every time I update the game. The only way to keep your save on the browser version is via the Cloud Save feature (only accessible by Patrons)
spoon game don't work :(
I subbed to the Patreon how do I get access to the membership stuff in game
Thanks for your patronage! Here are the steps:
Hey i really enjoyed playing the game, the only real issue I would bring up is the leveling system scaling/ the amount of XP you get.
Don't worry, there will be new ways to receive EXP other than combat on future updates :)
How can I finish Jett and Viper's story
All of the agents have incomplete stories and will get new content thru future updates. Hope this helps
Just killed sage with hurtfull words the first time i played the game
what will have the new update?
New pics in Cypher's shop for Patrons and QoL changes for free players :)