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is Raze x Killjoy in free to play


how do i get it

Most of the questions being asked here in the comments are already answered in my Discord server's FAQ. Join here

Deleted 123 days ago

No, you'll have to use other save files if you wanna see everything

i still have 4 scenes locked, how do i get em, ive done everything, its the two new sage ones the jett spit roast and chambr

(1 edit)

idk but for chamber u tell viper u like men

how do u find kayo


the right arrow from the kitchen

u cant d anything with him yet but hes there lmao

how do i build yoru's endurance?

Level up via fighting bots then go to the Character Profile on the phone to add points

wheres the fuel?

It's not in the game yet. Kay/O's dialogue will be revised next update to avoid confusion.



When is next update?

First week of September or earlier

any hints as to what it will be?

Neon's Chapter 2 story. The complete roadmap is on my Discord

Where do i find these crawling bots for the sova task?


the ones on the ceiling

u kill them

where exactly are they? where do i need to go?


advased mode on any bot fighting place

what level patreon do i have to be to do kinky stuff with jett?


just the first one

(2 edits) (-1)

just wanna say the part where you gotta get the chips to kj is the worst thing i have ever played in my entire godam life its so buggy the buttons dont work 90% of the time i would just die randomly and sometimes a WEIRD ASS BEING WOULD APEAR ABOVE ME AND JUST 2 SHOT ME AND I CANT SHOOT HIM BACK like holy shit WHYYYYYYYYYYY why tf would you make it 35 that takes like 4 hours and this shit is so annoying holy shit whyyyy literly anything would be better the chances of getting one is so low whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

(1 edit) (+1)

You have to kill the bot in the body

to get chips there's no % to get it


In the story, Killjoy has stated that you can get the chips via body shots. It's not a chance based thing. You can finish the quest in like 5 minutes.

omg it works and also now the screen is way less zoomed in and i can actually see and shoot that being from the sky which is pretty cool

noooooo it went back to being zoomed in

how do i kill sovas bots and progress?

The bots spawn on intermediate or expert level difficulties of the shooting games

Whenever there is an update do i have to install a new version of the game for windows?


yes but your save will carry over, you can select it from a slot

will updates be releasing more frequently than once a month any time soon

Once I hit the target earnings, I'll dedicate more time to developing this game. For now, just hang tight :)

good to hear, is there any way for me to check how close you are to the target earnings? would consider making some contributions myself.

why dose it only open on 1 screen

and not the other.

what was the latest update about?

New Jett x Sage content. More details in the devlogs above

When the game has the new version, how can I bring my save in previous patch to new update ?

For PC - The save files are hidden somewhere in your device. Feel free to delete the old version once you've downloaded the new one.

For Android - Simply let the newer .apk overwrite your current install. DO NOT delete the app because it will also delete the save.

For Browser - Only Patrons have access to the Cloud Save feature due to a monthly usage limit. Non-patrons unfortunately will have to endure the monthly reset. Sorry :(

If you don't mind me asking, where are the save files located? I wanted to copy mine over from my old phone to my new PC, but I can't find them.


were is the fuel at


you don't need it yet, kayo's story hasn't begun yet he's just there

What is the next agent? and will there be any neon+sage?

Outside of the current 7 agents on Icebox, there aren't any plans to add more until the 7 has their stories finished.

Neon x Sage is possible on future updates. It'll depend on community demand.

Ah okay. Which stories are currently finished? Or is none of them finished yet

None of them are finished as of the moment

When was the last update?

yesterday, so we won't be seeing another for a month or so.

how do i upgrade my endurance points with yoru? is it patreon exclusive or smth


nvm i found it

how do i get sage pervs on jett? i've already finished the sage getting fucked silly scene.

It's simply a tamer version of the getting fucked silly scene. It's for the free players.

how can I get sage getting fucked silly by jett?


you have to complete the first jett x sage scene, then to fix the portal gun you have to go to the shipyard (next to  kay/o) and take the parts back to killjoy (do all of this as yoru). you need 6 strength to do this, so grind against the bots to level up enough to add 6 points to your strength (at least this is what i did, not sure if there's any easier way). once you take the parts back to killjoy, she'll fix the portal gun, then you change back to sage to interact with jett and you unlock the scene. hope this helps.

is this need patreon

Where do i get fuel for ka/yo ?

It'll be on a future update. He's just there to chill for now.

any idea when the next update is?

First week of August :)

where do i increase my endurace with yoru? i cant find it anywhere

Is killjoy/raze content free?

Yes. 100%

How do o get the latest update version on android?

Instructions are posted below the download section

Will there be deadlock content in the next update?

No, but she'll be added on a future release.

why did my progress reset

Progress unfortunately resets for non-Patreon Web Browser players every time I make an update. PC and Android are unaffected by this though.

The game is awesome, but will there be Viper and Sage love scenes?

Yes, on future updates.

How i can get new scene with killjoy? Is this scene premium or not?

It's free. Just talk to her and make sure you make the right dialogue choices

Any idea when the next update drops for not patreon

In a few hours :)


how can i get the 

sage gets soaked by cum scene

viper show chamber nude scene

jett spit roasts sage scene

(1 edit)

to your previous reply "We'll be cycling back to Killjoy. She'll have lesbian content next (if you made the proper story choice for it)" who will it be with?

Raze :)

Deleted 323 days ago

Refuse Sova's offer then revisit him

how can i get the 

sage gets soaked by cum scene

viper show chamber nude scene

jett spit roasts sage scene

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