Does the Neon sex scene change depending on your stats? Like if your intelligence is high, then Neon won't complain about you, (Yoru), not making her cum or groping her? Or are the stats just there to give you some buffs when you're killing bots?
That means you've tried to sleep with Neon before you got enough endurance. You can't re-attempt to romance her once you've already did. You'll have to start a new save to try again.
You get to keep that specific premium version for good. Let's say you bought it at v.0.08, if you download the free version at v.0.09, you still get to keep Jett's premium story choices but the nudes from Cypher's shop will be inaccessible because the gallery is locked at the free version.
for some reason when I press save, it never saves for me and even after it saves i cant press continue in the main menu after. And every time this happens I have to start a new game. Can someone please tell me why this is happening to me?
Yeah.. I am playing it on the web browser. And no I’m not playing on incognito. When it first started to not say I tried to save it my playing it on incognito, making an account, trying it on different browsers but still it didn’t save. I don’t know why
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How do I find viper
She's somewhere in Icebox. Click on the doors
where jett room
Play as Sage and go to Killjoy's area then click on the door
how do i find champer?
Make Viper think Yoru is gay
so you cant have sex with viper and champer?
Yeah, you gotta choose.
Where can I find the kitchen? I looked near Jett's room as both Sage and Yoru but I still cant find it.
insteed of going to the left (to jets room) go full to the right, u will find the door to the kitchen
I used the soup button, it increased 5 points on endurance but now it does nothing, is this supposed to be like that?
Yes. It doesn't stack
whens the next update?
First week of April :)
nvm best game ever
this game is hard I can't even get past the bots in the kitchen
guys can someone tell me the controls please
Please more contents and updates
how do you make the soup?
Play as Sage and make some at the kitchen
how do you increase your endurance
Character profile -> dedicate points to Endurance. Also there's the soup button.
How do i increase my indurance?
Character profile -> dedicate points to Endurance. Also there's the soup button.
2 questions
1 how do i wake up jett
2 how do i find viper
1. You don't. New content for her will be released on a future update.
2. She's somewhere in Icebox. You just gotta click :)
What will we be getting next Month?
New stuff in Cypher's shop (Patrons only) plus bug fixes and other content (for everyone)
Does the Neon sex scene change depending on your stats? Like if your intelligence is high, then Neon won't complain about you, (Yoru), not making her cum or groping her? Or are the stats just there to give you some buffs when you're killing bots?
Neon's content depends on Endurance. If you have 9, you'll unlock the whole scene. Otherwise, she'll zap your dick.
So I got to level 9 on endurance but It keeps saying when I get to neon an awkward moment saying "what?" Then I say "nothing"
That means you've tried to sleep with Neon before you got enough endurance. You can't re-attempt to romance her once you've already did. You'll have to start a new save to try again.
When update?
Just a few days ago. Next one is next month
why can i still not do jetts story on the free game i thought it was going to change
I cant find the crate with viper's vial at all, where is it?
Some time this week :)
I was thinking for the next update maybe instead of pictures. Why not animations.
Animations aren't within my budget yet. Maybe when I get more support. Thanks for the suggestion!
I did everything except chamber and jett. What do i do now?
will there be a new update?
Also loved the game btw! its nice that its also a sort of aimlab
Yes a new update is released every month. Next free content is Neon's story which is scheduled on March
if i subscribe to patreon and it expires do I still keep the paid content?
You get to keep that specific premium version for good. Let's say you bought it at v.0.08, if you download the free version at v.0.09, you still get to keep Jett's premium story choices but the nudes from Cypher's shop will be inaccessible because the gallery is locked at the free version.
Who is the next character?
Neon. She'll be out next month :)
Is the portal gun repair coming in the next update or is there a way to do it already?
It'll be on a future update very far from now
how do i get the chamber part?
Make Viper think Yoru is gay
for some reason when I press save, it never saves for me and even after it saves i cant press continue in the main menu after. And every time this happens I have to start a new game. Can someone please tell me why this is happening to me?
Are you playing via Web Browser? Don't play it incognito as it automatically deletes your save every time you exit. Hope this helps :)
Yeah.. I am playing it on the web browser. And no I’m not playing on incognito. When it first started to not say I tried to save it my playing it on incognito, making an account, trying it on different browsers but still it didn’t save. I don’t know why
question :
After you are done developing the game you will make all the sceen avalible for everyone?
No. Jett's stuff and Cypher's shop is paywalled for good but all of the other content is completely free
How do you get the other jett cutscene?
how to get killjoy chips?
Do the bot killing minigame but dont headshot them since the chips are in the head
I can't complete the sage cooking minigame
so how do i get jett to wake up? Ive done each mini game like 3 times waiting for her to do so but she wont
Where is the cargo with vipers vial? I cant find it
At the cave shooting level. It's somewhere in Icebox
Patreon is the only way. Sorry
Okay, now I finished Viper's part,what's next?
Jett's story will be released next month :)
Yes, but only some of it.
theres a bug in the ramen cooking part where it disappears and reappears when it hot it making the progress go down
The bots on viper quest go out of screen even though i change mine
whats the recommended screen resolution for this?
1920 x 1080. But don't worry, I'll make a fix on the next update so the bots can be shot at any resolution
when next update?
On first week of February
the bots in vipers quest go off-screen and its impossible to progress further.
Please fix that
Adjusting your screen resolution would fix this problem. It's on settings at main menu